Infinite Offroad (RGB+W) Polaris Headlight - XP1K/Turbo/General
- Brand
- Infinite Offroad
Our factory replacement headlights with built in RGB+W strips are fully plug and play with the facotry headlight wiring and the halo plugs directly into our 5 pin RGB+W rock light system or you can include a controller and run it indepenedently.
To add on additional Extensions, RGB+W Pods, Strips, Dome Lights, Whips, Wheel Rings, RZR Fang, X3 Accent lights or any other RGB+W compatible plug and play item to your kit click here.
Headlight Model Available:
Introducing our new factory replacement LED Polaris headlights with RGB+W halo. Ideal for customers who don't want the low-quality, stick on halos that inevitably fade and detach. Our full replacement headlight incorporates the halo and seamlessly connects with our RGB+W rock light system, or choose the dedicated controller in the drop down to run independently.
Did we mention we also have the best warranty on the market? 25 yr if you can break it we replace it warranty (includes accidental damage).
We offer two ways to control these lights:
No plug into rockl lights: Plug directly into our RGB+W rock light kit and run them together. Includes needed wiring.
Include Dedicated Controller: This option allows you to run independently, if your not running our rock light system or do not want them directly linked to your rock lights.
*Rock light kit not included & you must order dedicated controller if your not currently running/ordering our rock light system*