Mount PRP Seats into the front of your Kawasaki KRX UTV
Use to mount 2 PRP Seats to your Kawasaki KRX
Comes with adapter plates, 5th point mounting bar, and new slider mechanisms
Our sliders are dual locking, and provide a much more stable mount for your seats versus stock
Includes all hardware needed
*Requires UTV seats with tabbed seat frame
Our Kawasaki KRX Seat mounts allow you to install our PRP seats into your vehicle. Designed to replace the current seat mounts in the Kawasaki Teryx KRX 1000. The Driver and Passenger side adpaters bolt into the vehicle with supplied hardware, and also include our own sliders. These sliders are dual locking, and provide a much more stable mount versus the stock sliders. Also included for both Driver and Passenger sides is a 5th point bar that allows you attach your harness 5th point/sub strap.